Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Takin' It to the Streets

Christ went about healing all and brought deliverance to those oppressed by the devil. Takin' It to the Streets have been experiencing God is so many ways. Our first outreach was in October of 2007 at a church yard sale. It was new and nerve recking to say the least. But we saw the Lord touch individual to the heart.

We were sent out among the crowds in teams of two. We waited on Holy Spirit to highlighted to us individuals the Lord wanted to speak to. There was one particular lady who shard she was filled with Holy Spirit but never spoke in tongues. We prayed for her and she had the evidence! She was so excited. We had a team member to run after a lady leaving the yard sale and was able to give her a prophetic encouragement. She receive it with gladness. It was a wonderful experience.

Since then we have done restaurant evangelism, door to door, park evangelism and random acts of kindness in our neighborhood. It's all been very different and sometimes scary but so God provoking. As we continue to move out fear and intimidation is loosing it's power. The team feels stretched to the limit but the Lord is expanding us to hold and carry more of His Glory.

We've had testimonies of people on the street to share how they were praying ealier in the week but didn't think God heard them until God met them on the streets and was gave them same prayer or words prophetically they were praying or asking for. We've had individuals to feel the power of God go through them or heat. It's so amazing to hear the responses. Many of us walk away with confidence that we are hearing the voice of God.